literal rule การใช้
- The court must find genuine difficulties before it declines to use the literal rule.
- Ironically, however, use of the literal rule may defeat the intention of Parliament.
- The golden rule is used when use of the literal rule would obviously create an absurd result.
- The literal rule is what the law says instead of what the law was intended to say.
- The Golden rule is used in cases where uses of the literal rule would result in an absurdity.
- For a sport governed by literal rules and inflexible numbers, golf is influenced by an inordinate amount of whimsy.
- Ultimately it would be Lotus s characteristic literal rule interpretation that would end the works involvement on the Esprit s racing career.
- Under the literal rule, the judge should do what the actual legislation states rather than trying to do what the judge thinks that it means.
- However, the literal rule does not take into account the consequences of a literal interpretation, only whether words have a clear meaning that makes sense within that context.
- Sports might be another example, with literal rule changes, equipment changes, new training methods, steroids, etc . talk ) 01 : 41, 24 January 2015 ( UTC)
- In dealing with these categories, the Gemara ( B2 83b et seq . ) first discusses why the literal rule of eye for eye must yield to the more humane law of compensatory damages in money.
- Previously, the dominant approach was that of the literal rule, supplemented by the purposive approach, which directed that when interpreting a statute they should examine the purpose behind it, rather than simply using the text of the statute itself.
- The way in which the mischief rule can produce more sensible outcomes than those that would result if the literal rule were applied is illustrated by the ruling in " Smith v Hughes " [ 1960 ] 2 All E . R . 859 . Under the " Street Offences Act " [ 1959 ], it was a crime for prostitutes to " loiter or solicit in the street for the purposes of prostitution ".